
Spoilers, Man!

   I go back and forth about Spoilers.  Sometimes I hate them, sometimes I am okay with knowing what is going to happen.      I think it depends on how invested I am into the thing that I am about to get spoiled on.  Or if I am already sold on the movie and want to see it.  A few examples.      Recently I saw the Venom movie.  It was not that bad.  I am glad I saw it, it was enjoyable, not great, but a good escape for a few hours.  But the Trailers made it look bad.  It was cringeworthy what they choose to show.  They showed the worst parts of the movie.  Like the Motorcycle scenes are the worst of the whole movie.  I could have done with another trailer that shows, and possibly spoiled some of the bigger plot points to get me on board.  Solo is another recent example of the marketing gets in the way of an enjoyable movie.  The trailers decided to show the wrong parts.  They could ...

Are bad digital stewards for our children?

So, I made this Video awhile ago.  I'm going to still post it here.  It it I pose the question of why I see either what looks like first generation immigrant Latino or low-income parents just let their small children bury their noses into devices.  Or just let them do whatever they want.  I will go to these people's house to deliver pizza at like 11 on a Tuesday, and the kids are still up and it just makes no sense.  I talk more about that in the video.  I do not remember if I got to an explanation or not in the video, but I think it might be, as far as first generation immigrants it is more a they do not know better.  As in they came here for a better life, and now they have money and financial stability, or at least more than they ever had.  Since they have never had money, they do not know how to use or keep the money.  They do not know the next step in success.  These kids parents do not value education because they do not have ...

Essential Oils - How ESSENTIAL are they?

     Just to start off, I have never liked the name Essential Oils.  The marketing of it just smelled bad from the beginning.  It's like I am missing something without these oils.  The name is deceptive from the start.      So, I have a lot of people that I love and respect that are into these Oils.  I may anger some of them with this post.  I want to say right that I am not attacking these people.  I am attacking the outlandish claims and lies that these products make.  I have always thought that Essential Oils were, I don't want to say fake, but not entirely truthful in their claims.  I just did not have the data to back it up.  Now I do.      Do Essential Oils work?  Yes and no.  Mostly No.  Here is a podcast that explains the science behind it very well.  To summurize, they do work, but only a little bit.  For esample, if you were to imagine your energy level as a per...

Talking about Tipping - In a CAR!!!

     Tipping.  It is a real good way to figure out what kind of person someone is.  Are you the type of person that puts 5 $1 down on your table and throughout the meal you start to take away or add money based on how you think you should be served.  (Passive-aggressive A-hole).  Do you tip, but just the bare min.  Like where 3 would be nice, 2 would be okay, you tip $1.25.  Just high enough to get the fake smile from the server.  Or are you someone that understands the plight of the server, and the bills they have to pay, that this cruel instant arbitrary form of performance review is unfair and mean.  You tip 20% or $5, whatever is closer.  You are a nice person.  I like you.  May you have hair where you want and not where you don't.      Now, I know tipping is stupid, but this is the culture norm.  And you are not in the position to be the social warrior that takes up his passive-aggressive cro...

Hot Take - Woman who alleges MTC president raped her is filmed testifying about him in church

Oh boy.  I don't know how to talk about this one without offending someone.  I have just read this news article, and have not gone to other forums to fine tune my thoughts yet, this is a hot take, my opinion may change or become more nuanced, but I wanted to say something, as part of my own process.      In this article , McKenna Denson was training as a missionary in 1984 in Provo, when she alleges Joseph Bishop, the Missionary Training Center’s president at the time, raped her in a basement room. Sunday she went to the home ward of Joseph Bishop, in Fast and Testimony meeting called him out.  There is a video of it on the site    I'm not sure what I fully think here, it is complicated.  The court has dismissed the charges due to statute of limitations.  But her lawsuit against the church is still ongoing.  These things are hard to prove without any evidence after more than 3 decades.      I want to first talk ab...


I’m going to start posting videos for some of my posts. Sometimes writing takes too long.  I’ll still write, but not as often.     Also, I filmed this in Portrait, so it looks crappy in YouTube, I’ll try to not do that, I hate it too. Sometimes it will have to be in portrait when I’m in the car. So here we go!!!

Explaining Diehard Trump Supporters

I can understand most conservatives that voted for Trump. It’s the diehards I sometimes have a problem with. The ones that still believe, or ever have believed the lies and blatant spin that comes from him and his administration.  Most conservatives I talk to can admit that Trump is the worse, but we got caught up in the scare of the big bad wolf that was Hillary.  All of us conservatives now have to take our turn at the poop buffet for our part in putting in this blowhard in office.      It’s the ones that cannot admit that Trump has ever been wrong or give some long winded explanation of what Trump actually meant when he calles someone a fat pig on Twitter. The ones that listen to Alex Jones and Sean Hannity and start to nod their heads in agreement instead of shaking their heads in unbelief.  These are the crazy ones. These are the dangerous ones. Usually they are the older generation.     I found this comment on a tread about Trump (surprise...