Essential Oils - How ESSENTIAL are they?
Just to start off, I have never liked the name Essential Oils. The marketing of it just smelled bad from the beginning. It's like I am missing something without these oils. The name is deceptive from the start.
So, I have a lot of people that I love and respect that are into these Oils. I may anger some of them with this post. I want to say right that I am not attacking these people. I am attacking the outlandish claims and lies that these products make. I have always thought that Essential Oils were, I don't want to say fake, but not entirely truthful in their claims. I just did not have the data to back it up. Now I do.
Do Essential Oils work? Yes and no. Mostly No. Here is a podcast that explains the science behind it very well. To summurize, they do work, but only a little bit. For esample, if you were to imagine your energy level as a persentage, like your phone, and you are running low, like a t 20%. You are getting the low battery signs. Your body is saying time to plug in. But you have a Oil that is suppose to boost your energy so it will give you the energy needed to last till you can plug in. You take the oil however it says you do. You feel good. You check your battery status. It is now at 21%. It did boost you, but not enough. That is what the scientific data shows. Oils do work. But not much. Not enough for it to be a Multi-Billion industry.
The other thing that the data shows that most of the claims for Essential Oils is based on the Placibo effect. Essential Oils usually only give the desired effect if the taker knows what the Oil is supposed to do. If they are to take it without any other info other than it will help them, it will do nothing. I'm serious, look at the transcript and the sources.
In conclusion, Essential Oils do work, but only a minute amount. If you think a oil rubbed into your temples will cure your diabetes, then I have a rock to sell you that is painted with positive ions that will give you telepathy. These oils work based on the placebo effect. If I do not tell you what they do, they will do nothing.
Now if you have any problems with the way I explained this, make sure you either listen to the podcast or read the transcript, they do a better job of explaining it than I do. If you belive in these things, but will not spend more than 30 min researching it, then I cannot help you. Now I’m off to ingest some silver...
So, I have a lot of people that I love and respect that are into these Oils. I may anger some of them with this post. I want to say right that I am not attacking these people. I am attacking the outlandish claims and lies that these products make. I have always thought that Essential Oils were, I don't want to say fake, but not entirely truthful in their claims. I just did not have the data to back it up. Now I do.
Do Essential Oils work? Yes and no. Mostly No. Here is a podcast that explains the science behind it very well. To summurize, they do work, but only a little bit. For esample, if you were to imagine your energy level as a persentage, like your phone, and you are running low, like a t 20%. You are getting the low battery signs. Your body is saying time to plug in. But you have a Oil that is suppose to boost your energy so it will give you the energy needed to last till you can plug in. You take the oil however it says you do. You feel good. You check your battery status. It is now at 21%. It did boost you, but not enough. That is what the scientific data shows. Oils do work. But not much. Not enough for it to be a Multi-Billion industry.
The other thing that the data shows that most of the claims for Essential Oils is based on the Placibo effect. Essential Oils usually only give the desired effect if the taker knows what the Oil is supposed to do. If they are to take it without any other info other than it will help them, it will do nothing. I'm serious, look at the transcript and the sources.
In conclusion, Essential Oils do work, but only a minute amount. If you think a oil rubbed into your temples will cure your diabetes, then I have a rock to sell you that is painted with positive ions that will give you telepathy. These oils work based on the placebo effect. If I do not tell you what they do, they will do nothing.
Now if you have any problems with the way I explained this, make sure you either listen to the podcast or read the transcript, they do a better job of explaining it than I do. If you belive in these things, but will not spend more than 30 min researching it, then I cannot help you. Now I’m off to ingest some silver...
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