Checkmate treehuggers
$1.87 gas. Ha. $1.87 gas. Wow. I did not think I would ever see it go down this far, ever.
When I started driving, it was $1.29. Then it jumped up quickly after that. Let's get it down, we can do it. Drill baby Drill!!!
I guess I can't get mad at the 5 big tonka trucks (non-diesel) left on at the gas station while they get thier Mountain Dew. Cause these prices are only going to keep on going down...
For those that are interested in reading some more and are wondering why the gas is so low now, and what it is going to happen to the economy, head to this link. This whole thing is good for America, but super bad for Russia, and in the longterm, is bad for the middle east if this continues. Looking at this, it might actually may be a way to fix the middle east. Look for a shower thought post explaining my crazy theory.
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