This is one of the shows that we had decided that might be safe for the whole family to watch. And it mostly is. It is a bit too intense for Lela, she has decided to watch something on her own with headphones. What is funny is this is her choice, she knows it scares her, so she decides to not partake. Smart girl. Bad Parent? Maybe. Evie likes it a lot. I kinda like it. It looks real good in 4k, the special effects for the most part are real good. The first few episodes are real good. I like the situations that the Robinson family gets into, problem shows up, they solve it with logic and science, another problem, solve, that solution fails, try again, then explore a bit, and another problem. I like that kind of stuff with my sci-fi. Then (SPOILERS AHEAD, Will Robinson!!) they find more people, and then it turns into any other TV show with drama with tropey characters. There's the douchey alpha-male leader guy that we are supposed to like. The teenage love interest. The sarcastic rogue. And all the extra no name characters to add more voices to the screams when a bad thing happens because douchebag leader type did something douchey with consequences. Then by the end of the season, we shed the dead weight characters, and back to the family, and the robot solving problems. I optimistically await the next season.
Robot Robinson got Swol |
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