
Showing posts from August, 2018


I’m going to start posting videos for some of my posts. Sometimes writing takes too long.  I’ll still write, but not as often.     Also, I filmed this in Portrait, so it looks crappy in YouTube, I’ll try to not do that, I hate it too. Sometimes it will have to be in portrait when I’m in the car. So here we go!!!

Explaining Diehard Trump Supporters

I can understand most conservatives that voted for Trump. It’s the diehards I sometimes have a problem with. The ones that still believe, or ever have believed the lies and blatant spin that comes from him and his administration.  Most conservatives I talk to can admit that Trump is the worse, but we got caught up in the scare of the big bad wolf that was Hillary.  All of us conservatives now have to take our turn at the poop buffet for our part in putting in this blowhard in office.      It’s the ones that cannot admit that Trump has ever been wrong or give some long winded explanation of what Trump actually meant when he calles someone a fat pig on Twitter. The ones that listen to Alex Jones and Sean Hannity and start to nod their heads in agreement instead of shaking their heads in unbelief.  These are the crazy ones. These are the dangerous ones. Usually they are the older generation.     I found this comment on a tread about Trump (surprise...

How it ends - Netflix Movie

      I usually don't go to Netflix for movies.  Series is where is it at for them.  Why have 2 hours of content when you can have 11.  This was recommended from a podcast I listen to called the Morning Stream, I'll probably talk more about that later.  I had seen this movie pop up automatically like it does when you first start up Netflix.  It looked good, but Netflix's quality control when it comes to movies is spotty at best.  Anyone remember the Cloverfield Paradox?  Originally it was called God Particle, but Paramount realized that it sucked, retooled it to be a Cloverfield movie and sold it to Netflix.  So, that is where my expectations laid when I started this movie.        I am going to spoil the movie, so if at any point of my summary, you feel like you want to watch without spoils, skip the rest.  I'll tell you now, I did like this movie, up to the very end, I'll explain later.     ...

Lost in Space - Netflix reboot

This is one of the shows that we had decided that might be safe for the whole family to watch.  And it mostly is.  It is a bit too intense for Lela, she has decided to watch something on her own with headphones.  What is funny is this is her choice, she knows it scares her, so she decides to not partake.  Smart girl.  Bad Parent?  Maybe.  Evie likes it a lot.  I kinda like it.  It looks real good in 4k, the special effects for the most part are real good. The first few episodes are real good.  I like the situations that the Robinson family gets into, problem shows up, they solve it with logic and science, another problem, solve, that solution fails, try again, then explore a bit, and another problem.  I like that kind of stuff with my sci-fi.  Then (SPOILERS AHEAD, Will Robinson!!) they find more people, and then it turns into any other TV show with drama with tropey characters.  There's the douchey alpha-male leader guy t...