Lets be relevant, for once
Lets get those pageviews, yo. Well, if it did not take me so long to figure out how to get my feelings down on digital ink... Here are some of my thoughts on Avengers: Age of Ultron I just saw it tonight. Yes, I am aware it is Monday. (I watched this on the 3rd, two days after the premier, took me awhile to actually get this review written.) Yes, I am aware that it came out on Thursday at midnight. No, you cannot have my nerd card. I will prove my worthiness to keep it by complaining about a comic book movie. Online even.... Getting Ready To prepare myself, I did not watch any of the many trailers and ads that were posted in the past few months leading up to the release. I saw the first one, and that was enough to sell me on it. I feel that trailers lately have been spoiling too much about a movie. I wanted to go into this movie as blind as I could, so I could be surprised. Well, as surprised as I could be, b...